Volvo C303 à vendre en Irlande

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Enregistré le : 17 nov. 2007 00:18
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Volvo C303 à vendre en Irlande

Message par Bernard-52 »

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Texte: (NB - Le prix me semble raisonable!)
I am selling my Volvo C 303 Cross Country to make way for the next project. The Volvo starts runs and drives perfectly the only down side is that it has been lying up (not used) for the last year, so it really needs a good wash and clean.

It has been well prepared with winches roll cage etc. It would suit someone who wants to personalise it to their liking, I don’t think it would suit someone who wants an original spec vehicle.

Lots of extras have been added and everything works. I would be able to organise shipping at the buyers cost. Vehicle is in Ireland. Priced to sell €6500.00

I have a spec and more details available for anyone who is interested,
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Re: Volvo C303 à vendre en Irlande

Message par deniba »

tout dépend de l'année: si avant 83, CG collection sans problème, s'il est plus récent = problème d'homologation, RTI etc ...

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