The other concept is the one everybody will be talking about out on the trails of Moab during the Safari. The Jeep Mighty FC Concept digs up the Forward contrôle truck idea from the company's days under Willy's. This monster started off as a two-door Wrangler in December, now it's been chopped up, lengthened, lifted, and totally re-imagined. The cabin's nose was lopped off, the back of the Wrangler pickup kit encloses the rear, and all-new doors were fabricated along with a long bed which conceals the spare tire, fuel tank, and suspension pièces, there's a little bit of storage along the top side of it. The drivetrain is stock Wrangler - 3.6- liter Pentastar V6 with about 285 hp, but now it's under the seats as is the front axle. That axle's also been modified with portal axle ends, a kit from Mopar which bolts to the end of a stock solid axle and offset's the wheels from the center of the axle. The result - more ground clearance with a less extreme suspension. Giant 39" tires and a huge heavy duty bumper with a winch finish out the look. This thing isn't just a pretty face either, the Jeep crew plans to wheel it in the off-road playgrounds of Utah in April so they've fitted it with a roll cage just in case coming down hills doesn't go well for the nose-heavy behemouth.
Read more: Jeep Forward contrôle Concept - Jeep J-12 Concept - Popular Mechanics
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