Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

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Enregistré le : 04 oct. 2023 22:31
Nom de Famille : SWANN
Prénom(s) : STEVE
Nom du véhicule : SAVIEM
Type de vehicule : TP3
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/3sixtyswanny/

Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par 3sixtyswanny@gmail.com »

Hello everyone. Firstly an apology for writing in English but there are very few resources forSaviem in the UK.

I have just bought 2 x TP3. My first problem is how to remove the rear hubs. I need to remove the back plate to repair the holes at the bottom. How does the hub come off the axle?

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Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par hippo »


notre ami steve a donc un soucis pour retirer les moyeux arriere sur son tp3 a priori ... si vous avez des conseils a lui prodiguer .
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Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par hippo »

Hi steve, they all are sleeping but maybe if you put pictures of the actual area that causes problem to you maybe some will wake up if that rings a bell to anyone ... is it the brake "drum" that you do not manage to get out ? or is it further ?
I'm sorry I never had a tp3 and therefore I'm not the one that can remember anything about that even though for most véhicule with those brakes it is often similar.

to be honest with you I have had the same problem once on an iveco and I cut the drum off and replaced it beecause I had a spare one but that no fun to do and there is probably better viewtopic.php?p=98300#p98300

actually no, reading the subject again I didn't cut the drum but the inside wall to get accès into it... my memory is getting bad... hope you'll get better help.
here in france there was the inter tp3 site more specifically about those van just do not know if they are still active I do not have accès from where I am..
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Enregistré le : 04 oct. 2023 22:31
Nom de Famille : SWANN
Prénom(s) : STEVE
Nom du véhicule : SAVIEM
Type de vehicule : TP3
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/3sixtyswanny/

Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par 3sixtyswanny@gmail.com »

Thanks. I didnt have pictures before but i have a few now.

there is a guide block that was pulled from the rear plate. It look like the handbrake had been pulled too hard. It has ripped the rear plate.

I have pushed it back in but it is loose fitting. I may have to weld a tab on the back to hold it.

Where are the bolts that hold the hub on? Are they the same 17mm bolts that attach the back plate or are they hidden somewhere?

comment ça se passe ?
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Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par come 09 »

you have oil seal with metal ring, you have to take it off,behind you have the nut....
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Enregistré le : 04 oct. 2023 22:31
Nom de Famille : SWANN
Prénom(s) : STEVE
Nom du véhicule : SAVIEM
Type de vehicule : TP3
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/3sixtyswanny/

Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par 3sixtyswanny@gmail.com »

come 09 a écrit : 07 oct. 2023 13:06 hello
you have oil seal with metal ring, you have to take it off,behind you have the nut....
thank you
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Conducteur de tricycle
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Messages : 5
Enregistré le : 04 oct. 2023 22:31
Nom de Famille : SWANN
Prénom(s) : STEVE
Nom du véhicule : SAVIEM
Type de vehicule : TP3
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/3sixtyswanny/

Re: Hello from England. Help required with rear hubs brakes

Message par 3sixtyswanny@gmail.com »

Hello everyone.

I managed to get thewheel hub off after spotting the metal plate stuck tightly to the front. Thanks for the tip.

I took the rear plate off, bashed it all straight again, refitted the shoe thing, then spent ages and ages trying to get the springs back in.

Done eventually. I was very stubborn, as I know it would have been easy if I took the hub out of the way again, but did not want to admit defeat. I still have to pull it apart to put new gaskets in and maybe the end rubber caps on the cylinder, which I of course pinched during the refitting


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