Thank's youB120 Frankfurt a écrit : ↑21 oct. 2024 18:30 D'abord, chapeau pour le travail.![]()
J'ai parfois du mal à comprendre ce que Googletranslate fait de vos textes.

I can try to help with the translation..

The point is how much milimeter's left of the outer spline of the cv joint when the fixed hub is replaced by the "custom" 3D printed plate i've designed. Because on top of this hypotetical plate i would adapt and bolt an AISIN or AVM Free hub.
The inside splinned ring of the freehub is the interface point between the CV joint and the axle hub. i need to precisely be able to dimention it to machine it, a dedicated one for the Hurth's CV spline.
So.. Lapin that taken the measures was warning me that the CV is fixed in position by the fixed hub itslef (removed here, replaced by the 3D printed plate). It's the circlip in the CV's spline groove that lock it in position.. without this circlip the play is about 5mm back and forward.