Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

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Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par Raider_TD5 »

Up for grabs is an immaculate my ex military Saviem Renault TP3 4x4 communications truck. It's all original with under 600 kms on the odometer. The odometer seems to be inoperative but the front brake linings wear indicate 5000-8000 kms use.

Brakes have been recently serviced as the vehicle had been parked for an extended period and various components had sized. The vehicle is fully intact and in running order now with operational 4x4 as well as low range.
Further details, photos and videos can be provided on request.

The vehicle is located in Islamabad - Pakistan and will be exported to any country, export will be handled by the seller as part of the price but freight and related costs will be paid borne by the buyer. Seller has experience of exporting vehicles as well as spares to Europe.

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Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par hippo »

j'ai accepté ce message histoire de ... bien que je doute qu'il intéresse qui que ce soit d'acheter un véhicule les yeux fermés... au pakistan ...

néanmoins la prudence s'impose naturellement avec ce genre d'offre ou rien n'est vérifiable sinon a aller sur place... a vous de voir.
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Denis Chassac
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Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par Denis Chassac »


Il manque le prix en... livres ? roupies ? dollars ? roubles ?

Et tant qu'à faire avoir des pneus convenables Mouhaha
Un TP3 mazout AVEC CG collection, un R2087 torpédo QUI ROULE à nouveau !!!
:arrow: Membre BMH & Co
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Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par Bernard-52 »

... méfiance, méfiance !!!
L'Afrique en Land Rover Serie III avant un Tour du Monde en Land Roamer !

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Enregistré le : 14 sept. 2023 11:42
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Prénom(s) : Ali

Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par Raider_TD5 »

Hello Gents!

I don't see much reason for so much negativity. I have exported vehicles in the past with good reputation.

Please refer to the following link, I am also enclosed the message here. ... =34&t=7899

"I red an ad somewere on the web for three 716M in Pakistan ex Army. Togeter with two friends of mine decided to try to buy them. After negotiation with the seller we reached an agreement on price and on sale condition. As I had to send a cospiquous down payment I intended to travel there to see vehicles bringing the money with me. At the end I trusted the seller and sent the downpayment without going. The balance was due on shipping documents (that took place more than one year larer due to necessity to register vehicles to get the export licence). At the biginning we studied the possibility to load the three in a 40' container but at the end we agreed to load one pinzgauers in a 20' container and two on a 40'. After few hundreds of kilometers of road transfer in Pakistan and thousand across the seas the containers arrived in Venice. A couple of years later (few months ago) I started restoration that is still on progress. Vehicles are very sound, no rust at all, only minor indents on the body and few small parts missing. After the first three I've bought another one, in pièces for spare, that i have imported togheter with an M825 on a 40' container. I've been told from seller that Pakistan army had very few Pinzgauer. Four are in Italy now and, for what I know, in Pakistan one is running with a Toyota engine, one with original one and another is in bad shape and its pictures are on the web."

That is my client, talking about me, I can also share proofs if needed.

The price is 23000 Euros, open to best offers.

Here are some photos of the odometer and dash.
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Enregistré le : 27 juin 2008 16:03

Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par hippo »

Raider_TD5 a écrit : 15 sept. 2023 05:55 Hello Gents!

I don't see much reason for so much negativity. I have exported vehicles in the past with good reputation.

well, you should see some reasons to not trust things that comes from the other side of the planet if you are not up to go do the deal on the stop, don't you think ?
it is nothing but normal to warn people that it is indeed a risky business.

thank you for the references you give, anyone interessted can be free to investigate more about those contact.

honnestly, even if your van is in good shape, there is very little chances a right hand driving that old with such price + shipping cost + risk mentionned
would interrest anyone here.

but who knows and we have so far no reasons either to not give you freedom of speech .

just to satisfy our curiosity, how much roughly did you sell the pinzgauer at the time ? just to have an idea how much more it would have been interresting to do such deal ?
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Enregistré le : 14 sept. 2023 11:42
Nom de Famille : Zafar
Prénom(s) : Ali

Re: Immaculate Saviem TP3 4x4 For Sale

Message par Raider_TD5 »

Thanks for your message.

Yes, I understand and its absolutely natural. I know out part of the world does not enjoy the best reputation unfortunately.

The asking price is set keeping the extremely low mileage in mind for such an old vehicle. However, I am open to any reasonable offers.

The Pinzgauers were exported in two separate deals, three working vehicles together and then one disassembled Pinzgauer and one restored Mutt in an other shipment.

I am sorry, I cannot disclose the prices without the buyers consent.


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