Greetings from Finland

tp3 finland
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Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

Hello everyone
We were touring Lake Ladoga with Volvo c303 and c306 cars. On the evening campfire, I told you that I would like to buy some different 4x4 car. A week later, a friend of mine sent a picture of tp3. I bought it, the year was 2007. 2 years of construction. I bought another tp3 in 2017. the first one I installed a Man diesel and the second is a Nissan sd33 engine. In this picture, both beauties
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par xavier-64 »


Welcome to this forum !

Happy to see that some of French oldies has survived in your country !
The TP3 model is a really interesting truck and could not say "no" to his face !


Patience et Longueur de temps font force et sagesse

:arrow: Membre BMH & Co
tp3 finland
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

Xavier asked about my location. I live about 50 km from Helsinki
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par leraph »

tp3 finland a écrit : 13 avr. 2021 20:43 Hello everyone
We were touring Lake Ladoga with Volvo c303 and c306 cars. On the evening campfire, I told you that I would like to buy some different 4x4 car. A week later, a friend of mine sent a picture of tp3. I bought it, the year was 2007. 2 years of construction. I bought another tp3 in 2017. the first one I installed a Man diesel and the second is a Nissan sd33 engine. In this picture, both beautiesIMG_20200509_174821_resized_20210413_084331288.jpg
Hello m
Very interested by your installation of the 6 cylinder Nissan...
Is it possible to share some pics of the installation?
Did you keep the same transmission?
Have you installed the turbo charge model or the regular atmospherique?
How did it drive with it? Speed , consumption?
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

The engine is without supercharger. Nissan patrol 4-speed gearbox and transfer case. Consumption approx. 14l at 80km/h, which is a suitable traveling speed. A bit lazy but more comfortable than the 712. I have an 8x43 axle. Better would be a 7x44 and a 5 speed transmission. The car is now in winter storage I can't get pictures.
Modifié en dernier par tp3 finland le 18 févr. 2023 10:57, modifié 1 fois.
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par unjourpeutetre »

Beauties :)

Could you share photos of you engine fitting process?

Have fun
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

There are a few pictures (page 6) viewtopic.php?p=195695#p195695
and a little explanation of the installation in that conversation. I no longer have photos from the construction period
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par unjourpeutetre »

Thank you for all thoses informations

I have a long way to go :)
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

New tires installed. (255 /85r16)
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

after a few hundred kilometers I changed the old ones tires back. The new ones didn't fit on those rims. Terrible vibration
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par hippo »

interresting, what makes you think the tires didn't fit the rims and would be the cause of vibrations ?
I mean I do understand that if your old tires are fine it is the tires that are the cause but can't it be that on another car or other rims it would have been the same ? did you try to get them properly balanced (I mean with led)
and what brand are they ? because some tires are just not well balanced and sometime impossible to get balanced. or the disposition of the rubber pad make resonnance even though they look very much like well known brand like goodrich (blackstar just to give one name as an example). viewtopic.php?p=115620#p115620
tp3 finland
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

They tried to balance the tires, but the throw was 500-600g. The vertical throw could be seen with the eyes by approx. 10mm. The tires were turned to a different position, but it didn't help. The reason is probably that the edge of the rim is significantly higher than tubeless rims. You can see the mark left by the rim on the edge of the tire.
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par hippo »

thank you for those precisions, we could be sure it is the reason only if they fit alright on other rims though...
but I am tracking that type of issue on another topic viewtopic.php?p=211106#p211106

is the brand of yours " cooper" from what I see here ?
tp3 finland
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

The tire has a high rim protector which apparently caused the problem. The brand is Toyo open contry m/t
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par hippo »

ok toyo thank you
some bad and good about those tires here search.php?keywords=toyo+open

otherwise note that on some goodrich at the time we had to cut away the sticking out rubber shape supposed to protect the edge of the rim due to that heigt difference. but note as well it would be strange if they do not turn round due to that because it is the inner circle that is supposed to locate them on the rim not the outer.
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

I finally got the tires. Old but unused
I also started a hub lock project. A new innermost part and mounting flange.
The lock is a modified UAZ
I have a spare part shaft, the inner part of which was made to attach the drive shaft from the flange. I haven't installed it in the car yet
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par come 09 »

hyvin tehty herra..... :thumbup:
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Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par HiddenTTY »

tp3 finland a écrit : 01 oct. 2024 06:36 I also started a hub lock project. A new innermost part and mounting flange.
The lock is a modified UAZ
Hello, very interesting project :D i'm looking for the same solution with the Renault's B Hurths and Renaults version.
Did you machined custom inner splinned ring dédicated to the TP3 that goes into the UAZ hubs ?
Renault B120 Ponticelli
Peugeot 406 2.2i
tp3 finland
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Enregistré le : 21 févr. 2020 21:14

Re: Greetings from Finland

Message par tp3 finland »

A pièce was cut from the original hub and grooves were machined on the outside.
Here I found measurements based on which I ordered hub locks from China

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